I would like this blog to be a place to pen down my thoughts with regards to the application of natural gas as a fuel. Being from the marine background, some of those thoughts would be related to the application of LNG as a marine propulsion fuel. To start with, I would paste a short analysis that I wrote sometime in early 2010. Reading it again, I have realised that a lot of things have changed since then. I hope it would be an interesting learning and sharing experience writing about these. Following is my view on the application of LNG as a propulsion fuel. (Picture from http://www.offshoreenergytoday.com) It is known that LNG has no pollution risks associated with its use and its burning process is clean. Its high hydrogen-to-coal ratio gives lower CO2 emissions compared with oil based fuels. When NG is liquefied all the sulphur is removed, which means there will be no SOX emissions. The clean burning properties of NG also significantly reduce NOX and particle e...